Our Corporate Social Responsibility Program
Lifelong Foundation, a Non-Profit registered under the Societies Act of Kenya, is the primary CSR program for Lifelong Group. The long-term goal of Lifelong Foundation is to reach out, empower, and promote as many lives as we can around the country and beyond.
envision a planet where everyone can access resources, skills, and education without subjection to extremely harsh economic conditions and social turmoil. The foundation is driven by a love for the people as a motivation and an understanding that access to resources and basic needs can help improve life.
Whether it is inaccessibility to education, lack of fees, lack of food and absence of nutritious diets, frightful housing, or generally low-quality life, our team is able to curate solutions to problems that are seldomly addressed. That way, we can allocate resources, funds, and influence to charity causes that make a difference to the society.