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Talk To Us

Please use the contact information outlined here to link with a specific department or office tailored to meet your needs.

Media Inquiries

Note: Are you a member of the news media? Get in touch with us via contact above, and leave us a detailed message, including your name, phone number, press affiliation, questions, and deadline.

Reporting Scams

If you doubt the authenticity of any type of correspondence claiming to originate from Lifelong Group of Companies, please email This alerts the organization on the potential scam and allows for it to be investigated accordingly.

Ethics Reporting

Lifelong Group of Companies is committed to acting lawfully, ethically, and with integrity. We encourage our stakeholders (employees, customers, and partners) to confidentially report to any possible illegal, unethical, or improper conduct that raises ethical concerns from any of our staff. There is guaranteed protection from retaliation. Thank you.